Sunday, January 16, 2011


I had a Theatre History professor ( rather my ONLY Theatre History professor) who told us in his introductory lecture (all 3 times I heard it) that in our exams there would be an essay segment, and we would be required to conform to the grammatical standards of American English. This included the "split-infinitive." He went on to note that there is only one person allowed to use this deadly transgression of grammar.

"To boldly go where no man has gone before."
-James Tiberius Kirk of the Starship Enterprise

I intend to continue on the path of, so called, "good grammar," and leave the good captain to his way. I intend to go boldly where so many have gone before; seeking out new forms of brain flatulence, and other squabblings of a mind, both, cursed and blessed to find itself just self-aware enough. Enough to seek, ponder, and muddle on the random and unusual, but just enough to steer clear of taking itself seriously.

The cranial gaseous discharges of which I speak may, at times, resemble the very recognizable geriatric fart (much like a "PUH-ffffffffff" which is sometimes accompanied by a faint whistling that resembles the sound of air being discharged from the smaller port in an air mattress), and for that I will apologize in advance.

Lo, take heart!

The stale
scented ramblings like yesterdays poop will invariably lift (and/or flush) and give way to fresher forms of poot-age! YES, my friends! I intend to post FLATULENCE and not much else. It will "pass like a Slorbeast passes her young. JIGGLY! and full of juice..." (Invader Zim , Probing Day episode)
Until next time,

Squisky....out. and stuff

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